Delivery Time

Each product page displays "ships within" information. This is the estimated time (actual time may vary) from order placement until the product is dispatched from our warehouse located in Illinois, United States. The time from dispatch to delivery is usually between 2-4 weeks. For time-sensitive deliveries, please reach out to our customer team at

If you placed an order for products with different dispatch times, the full order will be held until your entire order is ready to be shipped.

Please note that during promotional campaigns, delivery times may be slightly longer due to high volume.

Delivery Methods and Rates

At Hem, we are all about transparency and creating a smooth experience as possible for our clients. Our products ship from the U.S. to Canada, and we make sure you don’t have to deal with any of the common pains related to cross-border purchases. We factor in all relevant taxes and duties at checkout so you don't have to worry about any unforeseen charges later on.

The delivery rate for your order is determined by a goods & services tax, provincial sales tax, and the size and weight of the items in your cart. The final delivery cost will be displayed at checkout.

Detailed rates: 
